Welcome to Mr. Sheehan's Health and Physical Education Class
A Reminder to All Students:
Please remember to wear or bring sneakers to PE class. Sneakers improve your performance and also keep you and your classmates safe! Look at your Special Schedule to remember when you need to have sneakers!
Students will NOT have the option to borrow sneakers, so it is VERY important you remember to have your own.
At Home PE Resources
There are many ways to stay active while practicing social distancing. Below are links to different activities you and your family can choose from!
2019/2020 PE Memories
PE Newsletter
Welcome Back, SCS!
Dear Sterling Community School Families,
I am Mr. Sheehan and I will be joining the Sterling Community School as the Health and Physical Education Teacher. My ability to support student engagement and provide impactful programming comes from a background that includes teaching health and wellness in schools, developing teen aged community programming, organizing intramural sports for Rhode Island College and serving as a former Camp Director for the YMCA. Throughout all of my professional experiences, I have adhered to a philosophy of education that focuses on social emotional learning and learner growth. I am very excited and cannot wait to get started!
-Mr. Sheehan